Wao Summit 2024 Speakers

Wao Summit 2024 Speakers

The good humans who will be gracing the stage at this year’s Wao 2024 Summit.

Ron Bull
Masterclass, Better Communities Sophia Bishop Masterclass, Better Communities Sophia Bishop

Ron Bull

Ron’s work integrates his deep connection to titi harvesting traditions with his extensive experience in tertiary education. Ron has dedicated 20 years to developing education and curriculum, utilising historical contexts to construct and understand contemporary biculturalism in Aotearoa.

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Alec Tang
Better Communities Babu Blatt Better Communities Babu Blatt

Alec Tang

Alec, a KPMG Partner in Auckland, co-leads Climate, Sustainability, and ESG initiatives. He’s a Chartered Environmentalist and Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment.

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Paul Spoonley
Better Communities Babu Blatt Better Communities Babu Blatt

Paul Spoonley

Paul Spoonley, emeritus professor at Massey University, is a New Zealand sociologist specialising in social change, demography, and policy. He has authored 27 books and is a regular commentator in the news media.

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