Sofia Cinque

Sofia is a sustainability advisor and community connector with a degree in Environmental Sciences. As the Sustainability Manager at Chunky, she leads the nationwide not-for-profit Chunky Loan Cup System, encouraging Kiwis to shift from a throwaway culture to a reuse culture.

When she’s not talking to staff, baristas and cafe managers about reducing single-use cups, you’ll probably find her promoting sustainability at community events and supporting waste minimization initiatives.

Believing that behavior change starts with leading by example, Sofia also shares practical tips for earth-friendly living as an “imperfect zero waste advocate” on her social media channel, inspiring others to adopt more sustainable practices.

Her exploration of embodiment work and cyclical well-being has deepened her understanding of how women's well-being is intrinsically linked to planetary health. Passionate about aligning nature, well-being, and waste minimization, Sofia is now on a mission to connect menstrual cycles with sustainability, striving to foster a more harmonious relationship between our personal rhythms and the natural world.

Sofia will be co-facilitating the Sustainable Periods masterclass at the Wao Summit 2024.


Dr Susan Wardell


Charlotte Friedrich