Wao Summit 2024 Speakers

Wao Summit 2024 Speakers

The good humans who will be gracing the stage at this year’s Wao 2024 Summit.

Sam Stubbs
Better Building Sophia Bishop Better Building Sophia Bishop

Sam Stubbs

Sam Stubbs is the co-founder of Simplicity, one of NZ’s fastest growing KiwiSaver plans. Sam was previously CEO of Tower Investments. Sam is a father of four children who dreams about simplicity and sailing around the world.

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Katrine Gellatly
Masterclass, Better Building Babu Blatt Masterclass, Better Building Babu Blatt

Katrine Gellatly

Kat is a sustainability consultant based in Alexandra who exclusively works with Breen Construction and Homes. She has played a pivotal role in guiding Breen's sustainability initiatives, including implementing ISO 26000, developing carbon reduction targets, and monitoring the company's environmental performance.

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Stephan Mäusli
Better Building Babu Blatt Better Building Babu Blatt

Stephan Mäusli

Stephan, Managing Director at Hector Egger New Zealand, has extensive experience in construction and prefabricated timber. He delivers high-tech timber solutions for diverse building projects.

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Trish Love
Better Building Babu Blatt Better Building Babu Blatt

Trish Love

Trish, a Mechanical Building Services Engineer turned sustainable design consultant, established Tricia Love Consultants in 2001 and also lectures at UNITEC and facilitates certification programmes.

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