Trish Love

Trish began her career as a Mechanical Building Services Engineer in the UK before relocating to New Zealand with Arup in 1996.

In 2001, she established Tricia Love Consultants to specialise in sustainable design consultation and certification facilitation. Over 23 years , Trish and her team have witnessed the evolution of the Green Star and the Living Building Challenge certification tools in NZ, working on some of the earliest certified projects for each.

Trish also lectures in Architectural Technology at UNITEC and is a certification facilitator and auditor for the ILFI Living Building Challenge certification programme. She enjoys balancing engineering left-brain thinking with right-brain creativity when curating Biophilic design workshops with New Zealand artist Miranda Brown.

Trish will be speaking and facilitating different kōrero and masterclass’ during the Better Building Days in Wānaka and Queenstown at Wao Summit 2024.


Julia Blackford


Jodie Jarvis