Kristy Jones

With 10 years of experience in the construction industry as a Project Manager and a Master of Applied Science in Environmental Management, Kristy brings a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to drive sustainability-focused outcomes for Cook Brothers Construction.

Her background allows her to apply a holistic lens that balances social, environmental, and economic considerations, ensuring that sustainability principles are deeply embedded into every aspect of operations.

Kristy’s systems thinking approach connects the dots across all stages of a project, from feasibility and design through to project delivery. She is a driving force in tackling the big issues head-on, finding solutions that extend beyond the immediate footprint of a build. By engaging with stakeholders and leading initiatives, Kristy ensures that sustainability isn't just a buzzword but a core value that influences how we operate and how we live.

Kristy will be presenting at the Tool-Box Talks - Site Management masterclass at Wānaka and Queenstown Better Building Days at the Wao Summit 2024.


Katrine Gellatly


Sarah Forder