Miranda Brown

As an artist and Biophilic Designer, Miranda Brown’s work is all about connecting people to nature for the wellbeing of people and place.

Miranda Brown has been a leader in the sustainable design movement for the past two decades and is driven by regenerative principles that look after nature and all life.

“ Essentially my practice is all about connecting people to the beauty of nature to enhance wellbeing and to inspire people to look after our natural world. Research shows us that when people are connected to their place they look after that place. Our role is to be the Kaitiaki, guardians of the creatures, the air, earth, water and life force – the mauri ”

Miranda’s unique art and biophilic design work is integrated into projects and the built environment where she connects people to nature through creative community engagement, site specific art commissions, biophilic consultation and her interiors range of textiles and wallpapers.

Her portfolio includes commercial and residential projects, workplace, health and hospitals, aged care, hotels and public spaces.

Miranda will be co-facilitating the Biophilic Design Masterclass in Queenstown and Wānaka at the Wao Summit 2024.


Jo Tilson