Sarah Forder

Sarah has a BSc Honours – Environmental Science, University of Queensland Australia and a Masters in Conservation Biology, Lincoln, NZ.

Sarah has been a conservationist at heart and sensitive to environmental issues since she can remember; feeling most fulfilled when out exploring the natural world. With a BSc in Environmental Science and MSc in Conservation Ecology, researching alpine dwelling Great Spotted Kiwi she has both studied and worked with a number of projects around the motu.

She began conservation work in Queensland volunteering for a privately run Rainforest reserve up in the Hinterland then went on to do a 9 month volunteer stint in the Philippines to help start research on nutrient cycling in native-tree plantations to try and promote small-scale planting of natives instead of Palms. She moved back to NZ and has since done 17 years for DOC as a Biodiversity Ranger both on the mainland and on the Chathams, working a lot with Great Spotted Kiwi and training up a conservation dog. She also worked for Conservation Trusts and has found working with volunteers the most inspiring aspect of the work. Passion and enthusiasm is contagious and that is exactly what has attracted her to work for the Southern Lakes Sanctuary in partnership with Forest and Bird in Makarora (where she lives).

Sarah will be helping deliver the Makarora Mohua Mahi masterclass at the Wao Summit 2024.


Kristy Jones


Emberly Wetherall