Support action

Help accelerate our communities towards a low emissions, thriving, regenerative future. Get involved, donate as an individual or join our incredible team of businesses sponsoring our work.

Why sponsor Wao?

Commit to building a more sustainable future for now and for future generations.

By supporting, you will connect with like-minded people committed to building a better and more sustainable future for all. For businesses, this is a chance to reinforce your brand alongside content focussing on regeneration, sustainability and resilience.

Our vision

We want New Zealand to be fair, regenerative, diverse and interconnected with a strong ecological ceiling & social foundation.

Our why

We have a responsibility to leave this place better than we found it for the next generation.

Help us create long term sustainable changes and impact

Read our Annual Impact Report for 2022 to read about Wao’s impact to date.

2563 participants - 53 events - 5 years of action!

Sponsor a programme or champion an event.

A. Wao Programme Partner

Sponsorship opportunity

$ To Be Discussed

Partner with us to help support Wao

  • We are looking for longterm partners to help us to create a better tomorrow. If you are passionate about better building, climate action, youth empowerment, creating a resilient food system, or anything to do with bikes and active transport, please let us know and we can discuss the details further.

B. Four tiers to champion an event.

Tier One–$5,000

Event Pollination Partner

Partner with us to launch Wao Summit 2024

This package includes:

  • 20 second intro at event prior to MC introducing speaker

  • Visual branding – full screen promotion on TVs at event locations and on master posters

  • Business with purpose interview – your business profiled in a written interview on our website and shared on the Wanaka App and QT App network and to our Wao Database and social media – a chance for you to emphasise your commitment to a regenerative approach

  • Social media – posts from Wao acknowledging your commitment to us and (after the event) thanking you

  • Sponsor/supporter thank-you page on our website and email to our database – your logo hyperlinked – and you will be highlighted as a key sponsor

  • Mention in all advertising collateral including Radio

  • 10 free tickets* to Wao Summit 2024 events

Tier Two–$3,500

Event Hive Sponsor

Sponsor an entire sector at the Summit.

This package includes:

  • Exhibit at sponsored sector events – Flag and Table

  • Visual branding – your logo alongside other sponsors on screen at event location

  • Business with Purpose interview – your business profiled in a written interview on our website – a chance for you to emphasise your commitment to a regenerative approach

  • Sponsor/supporter thank-you page on website – your logo displayed on our website

  • Social media – thank you post

  • Thank you page on website – your logo hyperlinked

  • 6 free tickets* to Wao Summit 2024 events

Terms & conditions apply / * Nature Walk not included

Tier Three–$2,000

Event Honey Bee Sponsor

Sponsor an event at the Summit.

This package includes:

  • Visual branding – your logo alongside other sponsors on screen at event location

  • Your name included and hyperlinked on thank you page on website

  • Social media – posts from Wao acknowledging your commitment to us and (after the event) thanking you

  • 4 free tickets* to Wao Summit 2024 events

Tier Four– $ TBD (an amount of your choosing)

Event Nectar Patron

Become a patron of the Wao Summit 2024

  • Your name included on thank you page on website

  • Social media – posts from Wao acknowledging your commitment to us and (after the event) thanking you

  • 1 free ticket* to Wao Summit 2024 events for every $500 donated

2023 Key Sponsors

Find out more

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