Tim Jones

Tim specialises at working with individuals and organisations to help them tap into their Purpose Fuelled Performance, assisting them in the transition to becoming a force for good - hence Grow Good.

His purpose-focused consulting, coaching and training programmes are specially designed for those that want to use their skills to achieve meaningful goals in life and work. Since starting his business he has worked with organisations such as Meridian Energy, The Co-Operative Bank, The NZ Defence Force, The Chia Sisters, Bivouac Outdoors and Cookie Time to name a few.

His business is one of New Zealand's founding B Corps and he's also B Corp Ambassador for NZ. More recently he’s been co-teaching the University of Canterbury MBA Programme "Creating Impact-led Enterprises". That's why he's New Zealand's #1 B Corp and business for good specialist!

Tim is facilitating at the B Corp for Good Masterclass and will be attending the Let’s Do Better Business Green Drinks at the Wao Summit 2024.


Dr Carly Green


Jesse Herbert