Jesse Herbert

Jesse is the founder and owner of Freshlink Grocer in Wānaka.

Born in Taranaki, Jesse grew up on a remote east coast station in North Wairarapa where he was homeschooled for his early years. In a family of 7, food was abundant and they all chipped in to make it. The fridge was full of raw milk from the house cow Daisy (which Jesse's mum made into cream, butter, cheese), the winter preserves room was floor to ceiling with apricots, stewed apples, pickles and jams and with more than 5000 animals on the station he could hang and butcher a sheep by age 12. Their veggie garden was bigger than most house sections… and all this is without mentioning the hunting, fishing and diving going on by someone in the family at any given moment. 

"The definition of the word 'wholefood' is simple. The best word to use is “kai”. 

If I rack up a pile of anti-caking agents, sulphites and aluminium powder and said “dinner’s ready”, you would look at me and say “that ain’t kai brother!”. 

Jesse is will be speaking throughout the Food Resilience Day at the Wao Summit 2024.


Tim Jones


Arthur Lee