Sam Gibson

Sam/Hamiora Gibson is a trapper and conservation worker who runs the popular Instagram page @sam_the_trap_man with over 19k followers.

He's spent his life in the bush hunting, trapping and fishing, and has worked for DOC as well as private conservation organisations.

In 2020 Sam established the Eastern Whio Link conservation project, restoring whio(native blue duck) to the rivers of the Waioeka on the East Coast, where he was raised. This work is largely done by volunteers and is bearing fruit — the team started with four breeding pairs, which have since fledged over 100 chicks, and he reports that the number of whio bobbing in the waters in the area is starting to increase noticeably. 

Sam lives with his partner Roimata and their two young children in Gisborne.

Sam is speaking at the Nature Based Solutions event and co-facilitating the Nature Walk with Sam the Trapman and David Norton events at the Wao Summit 2024.


Stephan Mäusli


Paul Spoonley