Dr. Melissa Robson-Williams

Dr Melissa Robson-Williams works at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research as a senior researcher. Melissa has a PhD in Organic Agriculture (Plant and Soil Science), an MSc in integrated Water Management and Advanced Irrigation, and a BSc Hons in Tropical Environmental Science.

She is in an experienced environmental scientist and transdisciplinary researcher with expertise in undertaking complex socio-environment projects where bringing together diverse knowledge sources, managing uncertainties and creating real world change are critical. Her field of work is managing the impact of people on the environment, in particular on land and water. The aim that underpins all her endeavours is for nature and people to be thriving and their relationship to be a healthy reciprocal one.

Melissa will be facilitating a masterclass at the Food Resilience Day at the Wao Summit 2024.


Ben Elms


Alec Tang