Carly has been involved in global Climate Change mitigation for over 20 years. She holds a PhD in International Climate Change Policy related to the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector.

Carly founded Environmental Accounting Services in 2007; a consulting company focused on supporting developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through informed land use planning and sustainable practices. Her passion is working with governments to develop capacities in national land use monitoring systems for international reporting and informing national policy decision making.

Carly has held positions as IPCC Lead Author of the 2019 Refinement of the 2006 Guidelines, the Methods and Guidance Manager of the Global Forest Observations Initiative, and a Verified Carbon Standard independent expert in Agriculture Land Management (ALM),Improved Forest Management (IFM), Peatland Rewetting and Conservation (PRC) and Reducing Emissions form Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).

Carly resides in Wānaka, New Zealand where she enjoys all aspects of the outdoors.

Carly is speaking at the Queenstown and Wānaka Better Building Days; Mastering Climate Action Priorities; Let’s Do Better Business - Green Drinks; and Climate Solutions Cafe.


David Norton


Tim Jones