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February Green Drinks

Who Made Your Top? - Choosing to Slow Fashion Down

Wao Green Drinks is a collaboration with Wastebusters to kick off Slow Fashion Month in March.




Have you ever considered the environmental impact of your wardrobe? 

Unfortunately, as the fashion industry has accelerated to one of the dirtiest industries on earth, our consumer impact is bigger than we might like to think. Now accounting for 10% of global carbon emissions, it’s built upon overproduction and overconsumption. Harming both the planet and the people, all in the name of fast trends and low prices. 

But just like you, we love clothes. Fashion is a creative expression and it’s part of our identity. 

So how can we maintain our passion while avoiding the guilt of the garment's footprint? 

By choosing to Slow Fashion down.

As consumers, the power is in our hands. By choosing well, buying less, shopping second hand and caring for our clothes, we’re slowing the wheels of the machine. Together, we can influence industry to make real change happen.

In the first WAO Green Drinks of the year, hosted in collaboration with Wastebusters, we’ll get inspiration from three industry-insiders who are making that change a reality. Don’t miss out.


Peri Drysdale - Founder of Untouched World (via zoom)

Natalie Norman - Head of Production at Mons Royale

The Wastebusters Reuse & Reduce Team

Clothes Swap:

The most sustainable clothes are the ones that already exist, so as part of the evening we’ll also host a clothes swap!

Bring up to 10 items (make sure they’re clean and in good condition), to refresh your wardrobe with garments that don’t cost the earth.


Get your ticket now and we'll see you at Après on the 28th Feb! 

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10 March

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